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Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

Roy Mottram
Bob Latino
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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Bob Latino Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:51 am

    Roy Mottram of Tubes4HiFi was kind enough to let me post his board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board as found on the PAS-2 and PAS-3 preamps. Dynaco never listed the parts on these two boards in their assembly manual. When you got your PAS-2 or PAS-3 kit the boards were already preassembled.

    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty resistors on PAS3 PCBs

    Post by Roy Mottram Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:23 pm

    I've got a pair of PCBs in front of me with the schematics. The listing for the 100K 1w is incorrect,
    on the schematic of the PC-6 phono board the 150K is marked as 1w. The actual boards I have in front of me
    has a 1/2 watt resistor on it, it's 40 years old, doesn't even look like it ever got warm.
    Using the voltage chart from the PAS3 manual, that resistor has 95v across 150K equals .63ma and
    that is .06 watts. The one resistor with the most power across it is the 100K plate resistor on PC-5 line amp.
    It has 130v across 100K for 1.3ma and that is .169 watts, about 1/3 of 1/2 watt rating.
    On the actual boards I have in front of me that 100K is a 1w resistor even though the schematic doesn't
    spec that. It is an original part. None of the cathode resistors use more than .06w - See updated board layouts below ...

    Roy @

    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... DYNAPAS3PC5-PC6

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    Post by turbodan Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:00 pm

    Can anyone provide some insight as to why in the PC5 diagram provided by tubes4hifi the 7500pF caps are substituted with 6800pF replacements? It seems like this would have a negative effect on treble response....
    Roy Mottram
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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Roy Mottram Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:44 pm

    in reply to the last two posts, the .002 cap connected to eyelet 4 is part of the treble tone circuit.
    as for replacing the 7500pf with 6800pf in the bass section, two reasons I do this, one, try finding a 7500pf cap . . .
    2nd, both the treble controls and the bass controls have WAY too much gain in a stock PAS, so subbing a 6800pf for a 7500pf
    is a fairly minor change and might only give you 12db (that's 4X !!) of boost/cut instead of 15db.

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by thinker1920 Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:14 am

    Just wondering what wattage the resistors are suppose to be and what voltage the caps are suppose to be? thanks
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Roy Mottram Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:13 pm

    look at the info at the top of this page - all resistors are half watt except one is marked one watt.
    Most capacitors should be rated at 400vdc (you can always check the schematics to be sure of anything).
    Here is a copy of the original PAS schematic that I've labeled so you can tell what is what,
    then two much better re-drawings of the two PCB schematics.
    In an original PAS preamp, PC6 eyelet 4 and eyelet 11 have two separate connections to chassis ground,
    when I service these preamps I cut both ground wires out and run a single ground connection to eyelet 10,
    and then connect eyelet 4 and eyelt 11 together with a wire, as shown on the bottom schematic.

    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... PASschematic8s
    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... PAS PC-5schs
    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... PAS PC-6schs

    Last edited by tubes4hifi on Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by thinker1920 Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:54 pm

    Thanks, I find the original diagrams confusing, I didn't see where they labeled the voltage rating of the board capacitors, I've been trying to figure out what the voltage should be at the last stage of the filter to the boards.

    Last edited by thinker1920 on Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by thinker1920 Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:07 pm

    Does any one know what the current draw is for each board? I had it written down and I can't seem to find it. I was trying to figure out the power dissipation for the power filter resistors, I'm guessing that 2 watt resistors would be Ok but that's just a shot in the dark.

                  Thanks Smile
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Roy Mottram Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:35 pm

    see all my notes above, including a voltage chart from the PAS3 manual. None of the caps have over 200v on them.
    You can calculate the current for everything in the circuit using ohms law. The PC5 uses a total of 2.5ma. The PC6 uses a total of 3.1ma.

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    Post by thinker1920 Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:07 pm

    After some listening, the PAS 2 seems to add a fair amount of bass and attenuate the highs, any way to fix that?
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Roy Mottram Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:32 am

    sorry to say, but the 50+ year old design isn't the best. Easy solution, turn down the bass and turn up the treble.
    Better solution, replace all the boards and power supply with new designs. ( )
    Best solution, sell it and buy a new preamp.
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Bob Latino Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:02 am

    I agree with Roy .. A lot of people want a vintage system with a Dynaco amp and Dynaco preamp BUT > The original Dynaco PAS-3 was only a mediocre preamp. Read what I said a couple of years ago on another post. Link below ..

    Using an original Dynaco PAS-3 preamp in a modern music system


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    Post by thinker1920 Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:25 pm

    I think I found the problem Very Happy I don't have the tone controls connected Embarassed Is there something I could connect to bypass them? Like put a resistor so it would be as if the tone controls were set to the middle? Thanks
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by Roy Mottram Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:40 am

    there are at least 3 or 4 threads on this forum alone dealing with tone control removal, and probably dozens on the internet (use Google to search)
    here is the local list for this forum:

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by thinker1920 Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:21 pm

    I thought about it for a while and decided to stick the tone controls back in. I followed the original instructions but, the controls don't really work Razz the treble only makes a difference if you turn it all the way up, and the bass control functions like a volume control, you turn it up everything gets louder, you turn it all the way down and all but the very highest treble disappears and that even is reduced in volume. Is that close to what the original was like? or is something really out of whack?

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    Post by Soundbrigade Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:54 am

    I have a question about competitors.
    A loooooong while ago I bought the phono and line amp boards for a PAS3 that I had gotten (for free  Very Happy ). The original boards were in a terrible condition, with just some components mounted (or maybe most were desoldered).

    As I have invested in a new camera (Canon EOS M) and saw agood way to fill the financial hole this purchase has created - fixing my PAS-3 and sell it.
    However when I start to inspect the boards I bought I cannot really see that they correspond to the board layouts (from Tubes4HiFi) and slowly, slowly I realize I bought the boards from Vintage Electron (eBay) and now I start to wonder if the layout is similar to "Dynaco standard" (or Tube4HiFi standard)?
    Could someone have a look:

    Bare boards

    Stuffed boards

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    Post by stewdan Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:42 am

    Hi -- A number of years ago (about Cool, I also purchased from Vintage Electron (on eBay) a pair of his PC5 and PC6 fabricated boards. All I can say now is that the parts layout on the pair was similar to the original Dynaco 1965 boards and all the wiring was completed using the same numbered solder pads.  While the layout my be slightly different, I believe his listing at the time stated that the circuits were the same as the original Dynaco's.

    Hope this helps.

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Re: Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ...

    Post by peterh Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:42 am

    Soundbrigade wrote:I have a question about competitors.
    A loooooong while ago I bought the phono and line amp boards for a PAS3 that I had gotten (for free  Very Happy ). The original boards were in a terrible condition, with just some components mounted (or maybe most were desoldered).

    As I have invested in a new camera (Canon EOS M) and saw agood way to fill the financial hole this purchase has created - fixing my PAS-3 and sell it.
    However when I start to inspect the boards I bought I cannot really see that they correspond to the board layouts (from Tubes4HiFi) and slowly, slowly I realize I bought the boards from Vintage Electron (eBay) and now I start to wonder if the layout is similar to "Dynaco standard" (or Tube4HiFi standard)?
    Could someone have a look:

    Bare boards

    Stuffed boards
    I think they are replicas of dynaco boards. Have a look in the pas-3 manual and on the
    link "" that is on this site.

    If they are replicas they should be connected in an identical way.

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    Post by Soundbrigade Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:37 pm

    Yepp, I think the boards I bought are more or less (100%) compatible with the original Dynaco boards. As I wrote before, the Dynaco boards  don't look nice, and I simply wanted to start anew.

    When fiddling with, especially, the preamps, I notice that there are loads of documentation - the various manuals issued by Dynaco, but when it comes specifically to the boards info is very scarce. Tubes4HiFi are one of few places that gives detailed info how to populate the boards  Smile , but as the boards, originally, came finished no info was considered to be necessary.

    So one of my concerns and questions was if the T4HF's boards were slightly identical to the Vintage Electron's and/or the original, meaning could I use documentation from any of these three as I wished.
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Post by Roy Mottram Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:57 pm

    the PCB layouts at the beginning of this thread are identical to the original Dynaco boards, as are the replacements that Vintage Electron sells

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    Post by Soundbrigade Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:23 pm

    Thanks a lot for that info. At the moment I decided to grab new PCBs, you guys at Tubes4HiFi never showed up when I googled. Crying or Very sad 
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Post by Roy Mottram Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:43 pm

    strange, I just did a google for Dynaco PC5 and came up about ten listings from the top, even ahead of !!

    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Dynagoogle

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    Post by Soundbrigade Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:48 pm

    Two -three years ago I got a different list from Google and made a descision accordingly.
    Anyway, it's good that there're good heavy PCBs made to match the original. I have fiddled some with my old Russian Priboi amp and there's not much copper left on those boards.

    Btw have you got component sets for the PAS3?

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    Board layouts for the PC-5 line stage and PC-6 phono board on the PAS preamps - photos ... Empty Phono output eyelet on phono board

    Post by Robert256 Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:09 am

    Hi to everybody,

    i have not a pas but only the boards. where i can take the phono output on phono board? at what eyelet?


    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    Post by Roy Mottram Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:30 pm

    outputs are on eyelets 1 and 7, board ground is eyelet 10
    you can download the PAS manual here:

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