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The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

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    dynaco parts in europe


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    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    dynaco parts in europe Empty dynaco parts in europe

    Post by peterh Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:48 am

    Today i needed a dynaco pa-522 transformer. I found one at xxxx. Cost usd39 . That's ok.
    But freight to europe was usd 52.

    It's insane ! I have seen this with other parts too.

    Why don't we have a european representative that keeps spareparts and kits for
    the EU market ? Even if the goods are shipped from us they will be send in larger
    quantity's which would eliminate most of the shipping cost. ?

    About the pa-522 ? No. I got a chinese one from hongkong. It's does not fit well but is costs
    a fraction. And it had free freight !


    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2013-12-06
    Age : 71
    Location : Antwerp, BELGIUM

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Dynacoparts in Europe

    Post by MarcVBelgium Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:30 pm

    To Peterh

    I love Dynaco and I live in Belgium..... on top of the price + the shipment costs
    comes some 10% import taxs + 21% VAT. ... Should we complain?

    On the other hand, I have a great and fine experience with our US distributors
    for their excellent correctness. Also being a great help when you're "in trouble"
    I would never, really never, order Chinese parts.... you'll end up ordering a US part
    in a couple of months anyway...

    Best of luck with the transfo. And enjoy your Dynaco. I know I do... :-)))))



    Posts : 1879
    Join date : 2012-12-25
    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by peterh Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:06 pm

    MarcVBelgium wrote:To Peterh

    I love Dynaco and I live in Belgium..... on top of the price + the shipment costs
    comes some 10% import taxs + 21% VAT. ... Should we complain?

    On the other hand, I have a great and fine experience with our US distributors
    for their excellent correctness. Also being a great help when you're "in trouble"
    I would never, really never, order Chinese parts.... you'll end up ordering a US part
    in a couple of months anyway...

    Best of luck with the transfo. And enjoy your Dynaco. I know I do... :-)))))


    no we should not complain. But we _could_ use a local distributor to avoid the huge
    shipping prices for singular items ( as consumers we usually buy one thing at a time),
    a local distributor will use much more efficient shipping.
    In addition there is no point in exporting EU-made tubes to US only to send them back to
    customers in europe. Same for some german made caps.
    I'm not seeking to replace US makers/distributors, on the contrary i want to make their
    sales more efficient in europe. We have ONE market within EU, we should take advantage
    of that! Enhancing the well-known brand of dynaco will make it more competitive against the
    competition that comes from east.

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2013-12-06
    Age : 71
    Location : Antwerp, BELGIUM

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Dynacoparts in Europe

    Post by MarcVBelgium Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:36 pm


    Too bad we are so far apart....otherwise we could start a business in Dynaco parts together.
    Like the European version of Dynakitparts.
    Reality is different , however...

    On the other hand, I am starting to promote Tubes4HiFi and Dynakitparts here in Belgium and Holland
    through my little company AudioFeel Comm.V.
    You never know where this leads to. Maybe in a couple of years I will be able to stock some parts...

    A website will be available by the end of october (

    Posts : 215
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Dynaco..Dynakit EU

    Post by DynakitParts Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:22 pm

    Hi Guys..
    When your ready to do something..Contact me.

    Maybe Bob & Roy may also be interested?



    PS: I have had some issues with Chinese components including several sample transformers. Quality control seems to be a big problem. They should stick to making Rice.

    Posts : 1879
    Join date : 2012-12-25
    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by peterh Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:00 pm

    Interesting ... Continue talking !

    Posts : 116
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    Age : 71
    Location : Antwerp, BELGIUM

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by MarcVBelgium Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:37 pm


    In addition there is no point in exporting EU-made tubes to US only to send them back to
    customers in europe. Same for some german made caps.


    Some great European sources for tubes are Watford Valves ( based in UK,
    then there is Jukebox Revival in Holland ( ) and Tube Amp Doctor (TAD) in Germany
    ( Prices are good, shipment very cheap although very fast, and they all
    have given me great satisfaction.

    Just being retired from a 39 year banking career, I am now busy making my 45-year old passion (music/audio)
    from a mere hobby, into a new profession as an "audio-advisor".... I am considering to invest in several kits/parts from Dynaco,
    but first I want to "feel" the Belgian/Holland market for these products. So far, I can see that there is quite
    some potential. I'll know more by the end of the year..
    Definately, Dynaco has not been forgotten in these parts of the world.
    I'll be on the net with a website by the end of this month, offering Dynaco as a kit or built....(other brands would be
    Michell Gyrodeck, Tannoy, Lyngdorf 'Roomperfect', Acoutical Panels by Rivasono, McIntosh (love them also) and Akitika SS kits by Dan Joffe (based on Dynaco ST-120 Solid State). Looking for clients who do like affordable high-end, but are afraid to build kits (I love to do that)

    Posts : 1879
    Join date : 2012-12-25
    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by peterh Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:14 pm

    Planning my retirement I wanted to give back something to the audio community. All my life i have
    been close, some times as technician but mostly working as computer network security arena.
    All the time i have been in close contact with one of the brightest persons in the area. When
    he suddenly died i had to remake my priorities, i want to return some of what i have been given.

    Thus i started that sells tubes as i always wanted to buy them. I don't
    talk to russians, serbia is gone and chinese is to far away. But JJ , is different,I have good contact
    with them and the quality is surprisingly good, better then i remember phillips ever delivered.
    I am aiming for swedish market only, this is my retirement activity.

    Posts : 58
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    Age : 51
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    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by nerpissad Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:33 am

    I for one would be very happy with an EU distributor. especially in Belgium or Holland.
    the shipping costs (and import duties / VAT) are very discouraging when ordering parts from the US. yet I'm very happy I did go ahead and order my amp anyway...
    I hope someday it will happen.

    Posts : 237
    Join date : 2012-03-19

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by wildiowa Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:07 am

    I am a really, really bad businessman but it seems the biggest problem with any retail company is the difficulty in establishing and maintaining an inventory while waiting for those parts to be ordered and paid for....the cost of acquisition, storage, carrying costs of all kinds....just waiting for that one guy who needs a tranny for his Dyna. If interest rates were anywhere near reality the cost of carrying inventory would be an even bigger problem. I don't know what the market demand or possibilities in Europe are. But then, I have been proven time and time again to be a poor businessman.

    I recently spent $30 for an international money transfer to provide an $80 deposit requested by a bed and breakfast who did not take a credit card. That did not seem to be very fair, either. Someone in the middle always makes out. Get TWO Veg-a-Matics for only $20, just pay that additional $25 shipping and handling.....

    Posts : 116
    Join date : 2013-12-06
    Age : 71
    Location : Antwerp, BELGIUM

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Dynaco parts in Europe

    Post by MarcVBelgium Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:26 am

    Interesting comments... there is indeed no free picnic here....
    An eventual distributor also has to pay for the goods, pay for shipment (albeit a little less....),
    but there will allways be import duties and VAT , which.....the enduser will have to pay anyway.!
    Everybody, including distributors, want to make an honest profit....

    It is a fact that , after all duties and VAT, European price equals double of the US price....
    100$ in the US becomes 200$ here......look at all other US audio equipment....

    Let's all move to the US..... :-))))

    Posts : 1879
    Join date : 2012-12-25
    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by peterh Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:02 am

    At least the freight part could be significantly reduced, but on the other hand it's not gratis to
    ship within EU either. ( If shipping is more then a cubic meter then a place in a container would
    be quite cheap. )

    Some parts could be supplied from EU producers ( but that would damage the idea ), other parts
    could be bought ( or sent by consignation terms ) from us and stored in EU , the problem is
    to know "what to buy" and "what amounts".

    On the other hand we could have a supplier within EU that delivers within days and does not
    feed expensive air-freigt. We just might turn the flow around and export Edison amps to US ??

    There is potentials here yes. They might just not be profitable.

    Posts : 237
    Join date : 2012-03-19

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by wildiowa Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:02 pm

    Oh, and apologies to our younger members or European posters who have no idea what a Veg-A-Matic might be.....
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

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    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by Roy Mottram Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:33 pm

    yes, Mark & Peter, I would be glad to support your distribution in Europe of our "Tubes4HiFi" products,
    I've had dozens of customers in Norway, Denmark, Spain, Italy, and Greece.
    Shipping problems seem to vary by country, seems Norway and Denmark get things in one week, Spain and Italy 3-4 weeks, and Greece 2-4 months.

    Posts : 176
    Join date : 2012-04-11
    Location : Granada (España)

    dynaco parts in europe Empty Re: dynaco parts in europe

    Post by Pillo69 Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:52 pm

    Shipments from the USA to Spain typically take 9 to 10 days. The problem is by the time customs office holds the merchandise.

    The problem is the import costs and IVA are calculated on the total including shipping. Last week I paid 26 euros for an item that cost me 10 euros.

    There are several items that I think Roy often buy, but expenses .......

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