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    Can you hear the difference in audio quality?


    Posts : 123
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    Age : 60
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    Can you hear the difference in audio quality? Empty Can you hear the difference in audio quality?

    Post by Zimmer64 Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:16 am


    Came across this link by coincidence:

    They give you 6 music samples each in 128kb, 320kb and WAV version. I listened through my MacBook with an Apogee One used as external DAC / Headphone amp. I was able to weed out the 128kb versions, but got the WAV only 3 times and 3 times the 320kb.



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    Join date : 2015-05-10

    Can you hear the difference in audio quality? Empty Re: Can you hear the difference in audio quality?

    Post by Fitero Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:34 am

    Interesting! Thanks for posting.

    My own results proved that I should keep my audio opinions to myself as I only got 50% right, and the other 3 times I picked the 128kb versions. Embarassed

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    Can you hear the difference in audio quality? Empty Re: Can you hear the difference in audio quality?

    Post by ViperZ Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:35 pm

    I got 4/6. In the 2 I didn't get, I picked 320kbps file over WAV file - using Sony over-ear headphones at work. You can easily hear loss of depth at certain frequencies in 128kbps files, but 320 vs WAV, I would probably have to listen on my big system to hear the difference.

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    Location : Michigan USA

    Can you hear the difference in audio quality? Empty Re: Can you hear the difference in audio quality?

    Post by sKiZo Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:01 pm

    I'm thinking that just points out the difference that quality equipment can make. A good system with a decent dac should make the differences pretty obvious.

    That said, I'm right happy with 96/24. Anything more doesn't seem to make that much difference in my world. There again, that's all about the DAC ... the USB channel on mine tops out there, and runs rings around the S/PDIF support which doubles the resolution but sounds harsh in comparison.

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    Can you hear the difference in audio quality? Empty Re: Can you hear the difference in audio quality?

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