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    solid state rectifier in VTA120


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2018-06-25

    solid state rectifier in VTA120 Empty solid state rectifier in VTA120

    Post by paysonmark Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:39 pm


    my input line voltage is 117ac and I have the Time Delay Relay, If I use a SSR in my vta120, what value of resistor do I need if any

    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    solid state rectifier in VTA120 Empty Re: solid state rectifier in VTA120

    Post by Bob Latino Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:33 pm

    paysonmark wrote:Hello

    my input line voltage is 117ac and I have the Time Delay Relay, If I use a SSR in my vta120, what value of resistor do I need if any


    As long as your line voltage is low (as your 117 VAC is) and you have the TDR board installed, you can use a Weber WS1 or WZ68 solid state rectifiers in your VTA ST-120 amp. You do not have to install any extra resistors. Just plug the solid state rectifier right into the tube rectifier's socket. Note that your amp will now bias at a slightly different (higher) point. Just turn down the bias on all four output tubes to .500 VDC and you will be good to go ..


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2018-06-25

    solid state rectifier in VTA120 Empty Re: solid state rectifier in VTA120

    Post by paysonmark Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:01 pm

    thk you bob

    Posts : 496
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    Age : 72
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    solid state rectifier in VTA120 Empty Re: solid state rectifier in VTA120

    Post by Kentley Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:58 pm

    Your situation is identical to mine - 117 VAC line and TDR in place. The WS1 is ideal. Had it in place for two trouble-free years. And the B+ voltage as measured on the driver board is a near-perfect 500 VDC. AND it runs cool to boot.

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    solid state rectifier in VTA120 Empty Re: solid state rectifier in VTA120

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