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3 posters

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB


    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2009-05-04

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by quadaptor Sun May 23, 2010 10:41 am

    Here's a quick and basic question. Lately I've been thinking about rebuilding the PCB in my stock ST-70 and would like some opinions on components. What are the best resistors - metal film or carbon, and is there much difference in the sound they produce. Also, reccomendations for capicitors are appreciated.

    I know there are aftermarket boards available, but I thought this project would be relatively inexpensive and one in which I too could practice my soldering and assembly skills. Thanks

    PS - Also, any comments on resistor values, ratings, percents, etc..?

    Last edited by quadaptor on Sun May 23, 2010 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2009-05-12
    Age : 61
    Location : athens

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Re: Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by kost Sun May 23, 2010 12:02 pm

    Try the VTA modification.
    With the K40-Y PAPER IN OIL capacitors the st 70 is one of the
    best amplifiers i ve ever heard.


    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2009-05-04

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Re: Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by quadaptor Sun May 23, 2010 1:03 pm


    Actually I have a VTA mod project with the K40-Y PIO caps in the works. I also happen to have a second ST-70 I'd like to keep fairly stock just to explore how well the original amps actually performed. I changed out the old selinium rectifier and added one of the dynakitparts bias kits a couple months back which made bias adjusing much more flexible. I also upgraded the quad cap to one of the larger dynakitparts caps. I've had both amps for nearly 25-years and frankly enjoy the sound of both stock and VTA modified ST-70s. I know its subjective, but I find the VTA modded amps have improved highs and lows, and create a plane of sound like that projected from a stage. In contrast, I too find that music played from a stock ST-70 sounds more like it's projected from a smaller format or room - this is just my opinion. Anyway, I like them both and appreciate advice on resistors and caps. Thanks again -

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2009-05-12
    Age : 61
    Location : athens

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Re: Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by kost Mon May 24, 2010 1:15 am


    I think that carbon composition resistors are the
    best for a vintage amplifier.
    Very good resistors are the KIWAME,with warm but slightly more modern sound
    If you are interested i can send you a schematic.
    with all resistors and caps values.
    About caps ,avoid any modern capacitors,even the most expensive dont sound right to
    the st70.
    Try the k40 or MULLARD 0.1 400V.


    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2009-05-04

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Re: Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by quadaptor Mon May 24, 2010 8:22 pm


    I've been researching resistors and caps based on your advice. In the meatime, does the percentage tolerance and wattage ratings of resistors make a big difference? Should the russian K-40Y caps be of the same value as those used in the VTA boards? Also, can you reccomend a good source for purchasing caps and resistors? Thanks again

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2009-05-12
    Age : 61
    Location : athens

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Re: Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB

    Post by kost Tue May 25, 2010 2:37 am


    I finaly think that the best solution for you
    is this...

    Very good quality parts,but dont forget to choose the
    carbon composition resistors option



    Posts : 40
    Join date : 2010-01-03

    Repopulating an original ST-70 PCB Empty Original PCB schematic with values

    Post by Aljaheejus Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:02 pm

    kost wrote:Hi

    I think that carbon composition resistors are the
    best for a vintage amplifier.
    Very good resistors are the KIWAME,with warm but slightly more modern sound
    If you are interested i can send you a schematic.
    with all resistors and caps values.
    About caps ,avoid any modern capacitors,even the most expensive dont sound right to
    the st70.
    Try the k40 or MULLARD 0.1 400V.


    May I request your schematic with values? I have rebuilt my original board with stock values, but I am not clear on the wattage rating the various resistors should have. Does your documentation address that?

    Thanks, David

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