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The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

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    My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)

    Tom Pickett
    Tom Pickett

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2020-11-22
    Age : 58
    Location : Texas

    My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)  Empty My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)

    Post by Tom Pickett Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:21 am

    Good morning everyone.... I hope all of you are having a good day.

    I just ordered my VTA ST 120 from Bob and it should be here in a few days.

    I wanted to say something personal this morning.

    Bob is one of the most gracious patient people I have ever had the pleasure to do business with and he always answers his emails within a few minutes of posting.

    The guy is just simply a great human being all around.

    I'm getting very excited to do this build because I love doing what I do when it comes to electronics and hifi gear.

    Since 1983, and throughout the years, I have worked on a lot of Dynaco ST 70's but have never owned one for my own personal use.

    The ST 120 on the other hand is definitely a very nice needed upgrade from the original ST 70 chassis.

    I'm really going to enjoy this build !  My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)  1f600

    Have a good day and stay safe everyone and thanks.


    StevieRay, Dave_in_Va, 10-E-C, jasn54, DavidR, New2Tubez, Hops and Rec like this post


    Posts : 169
    Join date : 2011-11-06
    Location : Tucson AZ USA

    My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)  Empty Re: My Tubes4hifi VTA ST 120 is on it's way to my door :-)

    Post by daveshel Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:11 pm

    Someday... They're cheaper than a raft trip down the Colorado River. Oh, but I can't afford that either.

      Current date/time is Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:11 pm