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2 posters

    crazy runs in factory transformer paint?

    j beede
    j beede

    Posts : 473
    Join date : 2011-02-07
    Location : California

    crazy runs in factory transformer paint? Empty crazy runs in factory transformer paint?

    Post by j beede Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:55 pm

    My new project is a late model ST-70... I assume it is a later model as some of the caps and the bias pots have a 1970 date code and the chassis has the modern Dynaco logo on it. The transformers have the original paint on them--no rust at all--but with the worst runs I have ever seen in any painted "anything". It is as though the covers were dipped like Krispy Kreme frosted doughnuts... I am assuming that the white "Dynaco" and part numbers indicate factory paint. My Mark IIIs were just the opposite--barely enough paing to cover the metal (and no primer). Anyway I am trying to decide whether to strip and repaint or leave the factory satin black. The cloth leads coming out of the power transformer have a black tarry "coating" (like auto rustproofing) on them that continues for maybe an inch before the bright colors appear. Have you seen this before?

    Posts : 215
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    crazy runs in factory transformer paint? Empty Re: crazy runs in factory transformer paint?

    Post by DynakitParts Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:43 pm

    Hi J,
    At some point...Dynaco decided to dip the entire transformer including the covers
    in a tar like black paint to reduce the mechanical hum. This was also done on
    most all of the PA-774 power transformers. One word comes to mind is "Tar Baby".

    Not an easy task stripping these...

    Apparently they masked off the leads during this process.

    Kevin @ Dynakit

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