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    The end of RadioShack?


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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by audiobill Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:42 pm

    deepee99 wrote:Best thing one can do is locate a retired TV repairman. Likely his basement is well stocked with the kind of stuff we need, that he took home after the bank cashiered him. My old guy had a half-dozen New Jersey Tung-Sol 6550s at the original price of $6.50 per each and was actually willing to sell them to me for that. I gave him a bit of a lecture about inflation and supply and demand and we squared up at $65 each, he was happy and I left with my karma intact.

    David - Karma would have required $65.50 each! jocolor

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:23 pm

    audiobill wrote:
    deepee99 wrote:Best thing one can do is locate a retired TV repairman. Likely his basement is well stocked with the kind of stuff we need, that he took home after the bank cashiered him. My old guy had a half-dozen New Jersey Tung-Sol 6550s at the original price of $6.50 per each and was actually willing to sell them to me for that. I gave him a bit of a lecture about inflation and supply and demand and we squared up at $65 each, he was happy and I left with my karma intact.

    David - Karma would have required $65.50 each! jocolor
    Boy, wish I knew karma only cost 50 cents/tube, I'd've started sooner paying it down . . .


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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty This was on Wall Street Journal's op-ed today

    Post by deepee99 Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:01 am

    Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush made a useful point in his speech to the Detroit Economic Club last week: Of the companies on the first Fortune 500 list in 1955, 88% “don’t even exist today or have fallen away.” That reality of American capitalism was clear from the news that RadioShack has filed for bankruptcy.
    RadioShack began in Boston 94 years ago as a seller of radio gear, growing into a chain that once had 7,000 stores and was a favorite of techheads and average consumers who wanted to buy a personal computer. As recently as 1999, its share price was more than $76 as it rode the early days of the mobile phone boom. Now its shares are worth pennies.
    The company made mistakes, most recently making itself hostage to unconventional financing. But its biggest challenge was coping with the rapidly changing digital world, the rise of the Web in electronics sales, and the consumer shift to mobile products from the likes of Apple that didn’t need RadioShack stores. An image that was once cool became déclassé.
    RadioShack joins the list of other famous American companies capsized by waves of creative destruction. The lesson is that in a capitalist economy no business triumph lasts forever, and the most dangerous moment can be when you are at the height of success. Andrew Grove, the former Intel CEO, summed it up when he wrote “Only the Paranoid Survive.”
    The same cannot be said for government, where failure is typically rewarded with more money. Despite its bankruptcy, RadioShack nonetheless made life better for millions of Americans while it prospered.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:43 am

    Well stated DeePee. I need to check my local Shack and see if they will be sticking around or not.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:09 am

    Brap wrote:Well stated DeePee.  I need to check my local Shack and see if they will be sticking around or not.

    Brap, I can't claim credit for the Radium Shack piece. It was in the Wall Street Journal's op-ed section today under Review & Outlook, unsigned meaning somebody in their editorial board wrote it.
    I do concur with his/her basic assumptions and conclusions. There's a boneyard of successful companies -- that's the nature of free markets -- and it would be larger if GM and Chrysler had been let to travel the natural course of things.
    Perhaps if Radio Shack had stuck to its core business of catering to the DIY crowd they might have down-sized and survived. Bigger is not always better.


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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:24 am

    I agree about sticking to the core and going back to basics. With the advent of vinyl, they could have used their name and captured on the growth -- team up with TT manufacturers, make an investment in a vinyl substrate supplier, pull in their "older" contacts and strategize. Offer more kits - be a distributor for Velleman, etc. Market "old school for new school demographics". Would have brought a lot of Dad's and their kids back to the stores maybe for a variety of products. Just my 2 cents....

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:00 pm

    Brap, think you're on to something.
    Maybe we should make an offer for RS's assets, see if they'd take a personal cheque.
    Yeah, I could see a store stuffed with great vinyl, quality electronic parts, and hi-fi and ham kits. Could get fathers and sons back together, and with the rebirth of vinyl . . .
    Some of my fondest memories with my father were building my first crystal set, then a Heathkit Morse code oscillator. I "soloed" building a Knight Kit Star Roamer SWL radio. The oscillator and the Star Roamer still work. (Dunno what happened to the xtal set.) Arrow
    Cheap Asian labour probably killed the U.S. kit business for a long time. A Heathkit AR-15 cost $425in 1971 and was a sumbitch to put together. While it was the best for its time, Pioneer, Kenwood and the others quickly under-priced it a couple of years later with comparable specs and you didn't have to build them.
    But we seem to have come full-circle. There must be a Radio Shack future out there somewhere.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:17 pm

    DeePee - Crystal set -- wow! remember that. Gave one to my 8 year old nephew for Christmas (Estes rockets don't do well in winter!) Yep - had my fair share of kits too but lost Pop's at age 5 but he was into this stuff too. Built an Allied Short wave receiver and almost killed my self running the antenna from the house to the garage. Then turned a CRT into an oscilloscope for a science fair project, and made up a solar powered FM receiver too. Later on did the ON-TV black boxes for friends to get home Blackhawk's games! After a hiatus and delving into Quad Heathkit builds decided to restore Pop's Heath W5M and PA pre-amp. Recapped it all and sounds great with his Jensen Imperial reproducer (will never sell this stuff). Got a mono Garrard to finish out the mono system and an Eico tuner. Great old school stuff and NPR mono jazz fills the house. While I got you on the horn, thoughts about Grado reference platinum 1 carts? Have a Rega RP3 with a Elyss II and thinking about an upgrade. Not sure about the 3 point mount versus the Grado 2 point though....

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:13 pm

    I had an RP-3 with the Elyss cart and it sounded beautiful -- except the RP-3 ran backwards when started and you had to give it a swat to make it go the right direction. Sent it back to the retailer and got a VPI Traveller which I am quite fond of.
    Can't give you much dope on the new Grados, except to say my experience with the old ones in the past was very good.
    In the VPI I'm using an Ortofon MC-3 Turbo, which I prefer even over the Elyss. It's a high-output MC cart so you can have a low-gain phono preamp connected. I think 3.3 mv output or so. I have a brand-new Ortofon 2M in the parts box but have never installed it. It's quite a pain with these one-piece tone-arms.
    IMHO the MC3 Turbo is the bargain of the century at $450 thereabouts from Needledoctor. Its drawback is the stylus is not replaceable, it's a one-piece unit, so you have to ship it back to re-up. The 2M allows for stylus removal/repair/upgrades etc. but it's twice the money.
    The Ortofon sound is rich and if weighted right (about 2g) it will climb through the toughest tracks.
    I had a Dynavector in between all this and it just plain sucked.


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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:21 pm

    Cool beans -- thanks. Talking to a few folks, Grado with RP3 may not be the way to go. I'll check on the Ortofon. Have a Vincent PHO-8 phono pre that has both MM / MC settings. Never tried MC yet so will have to read review on the comparisons between MM and MC -- your thoughts? Was also thinking of maybe going the Exact route so in essence turning the RP 3 into a pseudo RP6. Good idea?

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:03 pm

    deepee99 wrote:Brap,
    I had an RP-3 with the Elyss cart and it sounded beautiful -- except the RP-3 ran backwards when started and you had to give it a swat to make it go the right direction. Sent it back to the retailer and got a VPI Traveller which I am quite fond of.
    Can't give you much dope on the new Grados, except to say my experience with the old ones in the past was very good.
    In the VPI I'm using an Ortofon MC-3 Turbo, which I prefer even over the Elyss. It's a high-output MC cart so you can have a low-gain phono preamp connected. I think 3.3 mv output or so. I have a brand-new Ortofon 2M in the parts box but have never installed it. It's quite a pain with these one-piece tone-arms.
    IMHO the MC3 Turbo is the bargain of the century at $450 thereabouts from Needledoctor. Its drawback is the stylus is not replaceable, it's a one-piece unit, so you have to ship it back to re-up. The 2M allows for stylus removal/repair/upgrades etc. but it's twice the money.
    The Ortofon sound is rich and if weighted right (about 2g) it will climb through the toughest tracks.
    I had a Dynavector in between all this and it just plain sucked.

    Damn Sam -- you got me thinking about the Turbo MC now!. Talked to the ND and he said with my Vincent and the Turbo, I would be sitting pretty. Also mentioned the Quintet Red but I'm I'm going to do it, the Turbo would be the way to go. Understand the differences between MM and MC now too. Mama's not going to Shocked be happy..............

    j beede
    j beede

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by j beede Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:56 pm

    A few special Realistic/Radio Shack items that I have owned and appreciated:

    ***30x pocket microscope with illumination and manual focus (still in frequent use on my bench)
    ***Minimus 7 cast aluminum speakers with butyl (not foam) surrounds
    ***Any speakers with Linaeum tweeters (the speakers were ordinary, the tweeters were not)
    ***Optimus CD3400 portable player (a genuine cult item)

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:10 pm

    #33-2050 Sound Level Meter- use it alot

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by n3ikq Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:42 pm

    A sad day for anyone who was a geek kid in the 70's. I owe my adult career to the boxes of junk that my dad had sitting around AND to the Radio Shack that I would walk two miles to visit regularly. I had their xx-in-one kits and built up several P-BOX kits. They actually sold that classic bucket brigade analog delay chip and the 40 pin sound effects synthesizer chips. Using the data sheet, I wired that chip into a wooden box with dozens of supporting switches and pots to make all kinds of "music"! I guess it's no surprise that I became a huge fan of Kraftwerk! Oh and the hours I spent eagerly turning every page of the catalogs! I probably knew RS's entire line better than most of the people who worked there!

    So long Tandy, Micronta, Optimus, Realistic...Fond memories!

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by n3ikq Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:59 pm

    For a fun blast from the past you all may want to visit www dot radioshackcatalogs dot com You'll be sure to see something you coveted. My personal one was the music synthesizer that Moog made for Radio Shack. Sadly my teen budget couldn't touch it!

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:16 pm

    One by the house is closing. Closest one left open will be 5 miles away. Looks like Fry's will be the store of choice moving forward for all the knick-knacks and occasional resistor and heat shrink tubing. BUT - got the neighbor kid who is into soldering and making Ramsey kits a nice soldering station and a digital vernier for his shop class. 75% off.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by GP49 Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:27 pm

    As my "classic" Radio Shack product, I nominate the Realistic Minimus-7 loudspeaker which, as low-priced as it was ($49 regular, $29 when on sale) actually did provide more than a glimpse of what good reproduction could be. It was also a modifier's delight.

    I bought four of them, used, at a thrift shop, $5 each. Disconnected the tweeter on one and set it onto another, creating a D'Appolito array (woofer-tweeter-woofer), and taking care of the tweeter predominance in the stock speaker. Two channels of that and a low-priced subwoofer made for an amazing system in a medium-sized room.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by sKiZo Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:33 pm

    I've still got matched pairs of the original Nova 8 and Nova 6 speakers stashed in the attic. Those gave yeoman service for many years on the quad system ...

    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Realistic_Nova_8B_Stereo_Speakers_web

    Still got one of their TOTL cassette systems as well.

    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Realistic%20SCT-31%203%20head%20cassette%20deck.preview

    Also had one of these monsters way back in the day. The STA-2100 was rated a conservative 120wpc and still commands a good price if you can find one.

    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Innovative%20Audio%20Realistic%20STA-2100_f_l%20(800x386).preview

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:15 am

    My initiation was a pair of Optimus 3 speakers and a Realistic STA 35 amp and preamp (think those numbers are right), graduation gift from my Dad. Took 'em off to college, man hooked up to a Rek-O-Kut turntable they were babe magnets.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:54 am

    Nice -- similar circumstance. RS by me also sold Heathkit and I bought a AA-2010, built it and yup, chicks digged it in college.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Cubdriver Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:13 am

    I still have a pair of Minimus 10s that I bought new way back in 1977. Also have several sets of the little 7s, a pair of Optimus 1000s in the attic waiting for a woofer refoam, and a receiver from the mid 80s that's not handy so I can't get the number from it. It was a mid-level one. They did sell some decent stereo gear back in the day.

    Oh yeah, and an AF-15 mono amp & T/3B FM tuner hooked up down in the basement. They were relatively recent acquisitions from Evil Bay.


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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by GP49 Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:51 pm

    RadioShack Sale Approved, Keeping Hundreds of Stores Open
    by Dawn McCarty
    March 31, 2015

    > (Bloomberg) -- The judge overseeing RadioShack Corp.’s bankruptcy
    > said he will approve the sale of about 1,700 stores to the chain’s
    > biggest shareholder.
    > Tuesday’s decision ensures the survival of the 94-year-old
    > electronics retailer, for now, and saves thousands of jobs that might
    > have been lost if the stores were liquidated. The buyer, Standard
    > General LP, has said it plans to run the business in a co-branding
    > arrangement with Sprint Corp.
    > During four days of sometimes contentious hearings in Wilmington,
    > Delaware, bankruptcy court, creditors fought the company and each
    > other over how much the stores were worth and how proceeds of the
    > sale should be used.
    > Hedge fund Standard General was declared the winner of an asset
    > auction last week with a bid worth about $145.5 million. Creditor
    > Salus Capital Partners LLC had called the auction a sham and asked
    > U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Brendan Shannon to reject the result.
    > RadioShack argued that Salus missed its chance to outbid Standard
    > General, which the Fort Worth, Texas-based retailer said made the
    > highest and best offer. The judge said he was faced with two
    > alternatives: liquidation or a sale as a going concern. ‘Retailing
    > Icon’
    > “The going-concern bid from Standard General is clearly economically
    > superior to the liquidation bid even before taking into account the
    > added and terribly important benefit of preserving over 7,000 jobs
    > and saving a century-old American retailing icon,” Shannon said.

    Full story:

    RadioShack Sale Approved, Keeping Hundreds of Stores Open

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by deepee99 Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:39 am

    Well, that's good news. Now, if'll re-direct their business back to serving DIYers, geeks and radio hams, they might even prosper.

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty Re: The end of RadioShack?

    Post by Brap Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:36 am

    One by me is already closed. Had a great fire sale though. Bought some hemostats, solder, etc. $10.00 got a lot! Place closed in 3 days total -- sold shelves and everything except ceiling light fixtures!

    Parts Express if I have time or Fry's for the emergency resistors, etc.

    Who is going to Axpona in Chicago this month?

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    The end of RadioShack? - Page 2 Empty RadioShack’s New Owners Don’t Really Care About Buying The RadioShack Name

    Post by GP49 Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:35 pm

    RadioShack’s New Owners Don’t Really Care About Buying The RadioShack Name
    by Laura Northrup April 13, 2015

    > RadioShack still exists. Well, stores that say “RadioShack” on them
    > still exist, but those are a joint venture between the Shack’s new
    > owners and Sprint. While the stores have kept their doors open,
    > there’s one thing missing from the business plan: this new venture
    > doesn’t own the RadioShack trademark yet. They aren’t too worried
    > about it, though.
    > While the chain’s stores have either been closed and liquidated or
    > reborn as SprintShacks, those stores and their inventory were one
    > small part of the bankruptcy auction. The sale was controversial
    > because other creditors objected to lender Standard General using
    > RadioShack’s debt as auction currency, but the deal will keep about
    > 1,400 stores open for now. That’s good. However, Standard General
    > doesn’t own the RadioShack brand name. That part of the business goes
    > up for auction in May.
    > The Wall Street Journal points out that the joint venture’s leaders
    > have declared that they don’t necessarily need to own the RadioShack
    > trademark to carry out their future plans: they have the right to use
    > the RadioShack name for six months if they don’t purchase it. Maybe
    > they could just slap “Sprint Gadget Hut” signs on the front of their
    > stores and call it a day. The RadioShack name has brand recognition,
    > but does that consist of anything more than nostalgia at this point?
    > Is that nostalgia worth $20 million? That’s how much the name was
    > reported to be worth before the auction.
    > Another part of the business that hasn’t yet been sold is the
    > RadioShack dealer network. While this part of the company’s business
    > is relatively small compared to the 4,000 stores that it had at the
    > beginning of this year, that’s still hundreds of retail outlets,
    > mostly in small towns, that are successful and bring RadioShack
    > merchandise to new markets. While e-commerce has changed small-town
    > shopping, sometimes you need a really specific electronics item on
    > short notice. The dealer network will go up for auction in May, and
    > independent RadioShack dealers and franchisees are worried about what
    > new ownership could mean for them.
    > Customer information still isn’t part of the auction, though: for
    > now, you don’t need to worry that your name and address that are on
    > file from when you returned some batteries eight years ago will be
    > sold.


    RadioShack’s New Owners Don’t Really Care About Buying The RadioShack Name

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