I was looking at the specs of a Mk-III and it said it had a damping factor of 15. Is that a factor of 15? I always see the period behind it and wondered if the meant anything other than the end of a sentence.
My Rotel has a damping factor of a 1000 with 200 watts driving very inefficient speakers. When I tried the stock Mk IV’s I thought they sounded superior. I was just wondered why I would think they would outperform a modern amp (at least to my ears). I am crossed over about 65 hz with an SS amp doing the bass though.
My Rotel has a damping factor of a 1000 with 200 watts driving very inefficient speakers. When I tried the stock Mk IV’s I thought they sounded superior. I was just wondered why I would think they would outperform a modern amp (at least to my ears). I am crossed over about 65 hz with an SS amp doing the bass though.