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2 posters

    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-08-25

    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted Empty Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted

    Post by hatrack71 Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:11 pm

    I need a bottom cover and chassis for a Dynakit Mark 2. I am looking for the chassis with the larger board cutout not the one with the same size board as the Mark 3. I am also looking for a Mark 3 cage. These are just a couple of things needed to put some finishing touches on restorations I am presently completing for my collection. I need these to be in excellent condition with little or no rust or pitting. Thanks, Kyle
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

    Posts : 3271
    Join date : 2008-11-26
    Location : Massachusetts

    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted Empty Re: Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted

    Post by Bob Latino Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:12 am

    Hi Kyle,

    Give Kevin at Dynakitparts a call at > 973-340-1695. I know that he can help you out with a least some of the Dynaco items that you need.


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-08-25

    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted Empty Re: Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted

    Post by hatrack71 Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:26 pm

    Hi Bob, small world, I just talked to you last night about modding my Stereo 70 to a Stereo 120. I will look at the list of stuff you gave me and come up with what I need as I have a friend here in Helena who has a lot of the parts. I will need the board and transformers for sure but give me a little time to figure out what else I need. As far as Dynakitparts, I already checked with Kevin and production on the Mark 3 cages hasn't begun yet and they are currently sold out. He goes on further to say that they don't plan on producing any Mark 2 chassis, so I am still in the same boat with both items. if you know of anyone who is selling a single Mark 2 with the bigger board, let me know. I've kinda got a Dynakit/Dynaco museum going on here. Thanks, Kyle
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

    Posts : 3271
    Join date : 2008-11-26
    Location : Massachusetts

    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted Empty Re: Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted

    Post by Bob Latino Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:44 pm

    Hi Kyle,

    Yes - It was nice talking to you by phone last night. You have the ST-120 parts list in the Email that I sent to you. If you can come up with any of the other parts required to put an ST-120 together - sure - you can save yourself some money ..


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    Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted Empty Re: Dynakit Mark 3 cage and Dynaco Mark 2 chassis and bottom cover wanted

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