by sKiZo Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:59 pm
peterh wrote:
The reason i don't use mine is that it hums violently when mounted on a vta-70. The magnetic
field from the mains transformer is strong enough to set the upper surface in vibration.
From what I understand, the cage should actually reduce electrical hum as it increases the shielding for the sensitive bits.
If it's a mechanical vibration, try setting some weight on top to reduce resonance. If that works ...
Something else to try is replace a couple tube socket mounting screws with long pieces of threaded stock and tap the cover to match the locations. You should then be able tie the socket down with nuts on either side, and adjust the tension on the cover with cap nuts. Option B might be the VTA mounting screws? Best bet would be something close to the middle of the cage.
All theoretical of course ... just thinking out loud. Never tried it myself.
You would have to tap the holes in the cage a bit, but if it doesn't work, a bit of touch up should make it like it never happened.
AssUming you can find the right color paint anyway.