The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

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The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

3 posters

    Self Intro


    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    Self Intro Empty Self Intro

    Post by kimla Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:26 pm

    I am new to the Dynaco Tube Audio Forum, but I have a long history with Dynaco amps. I
    Bought my first one in the late '60s when I was still in my teens. On the advice of a good
    friend, who was finishing up his EE degree at the time, and had already designed and built
    his own amp, I purchased a pair of used, kit Mark IV's and a PAS-3 preamp. Hooked them up
    to a pair of AR34 speakers, and enjoyed them for years, before I sold them, some 10 years
    later. In the 80's I bought a Dynaco factory built IC amp, that I used for years before it
    was murdered by an unfortunate series of events. Since then, I've been using a Carver amp,
    for the most part.
    In the late 90's a friend at work gave me an old kit built ST70 and another PAS-3 preamp.
    This is the amp I'm currently working to restore.
    I am not particularly electronics literate... My background is in concrete construction, and
    more recently, I eeked out a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and I now design and build
    process control systems.
    But I'm not afraid to tackle new things, and I enjoy the do-ing, and the music when it's done. I'm looking forward to getting the
    ST70 hooked up and running.
    One more note... I've been using as a resource for parts for this project,
    and I want to complement Kevin for the great service he has provided. Absolutely THE first
    place I look, and would recommend for parts.
    Happy Listening!

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2010-02-20

    Self Intro Empty I'm new here also and still looking and reading.......

    Post by wolverine Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:33 pm

    I've caught up pretty well now with most topics, still reading.

    I haven't posted yet but I need to add my support for a great guy. I also buy from Kevin and I would like to second that emotion about Kevin and Dynakit...excellent service, top notch parts, and a top notch man at the helm.... :}

    Posts : 68
    Join date : 2010-02-09

    Self Intro Empty Re: Self Intro

    Post by xlr8 Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:07 pm


    You sound just like me. I was a bit apprehensive about ripping into one of these little gems until I actually got going with it. My background is high voltage power distribution, terrestrial communications and cellular communications construction. It took me about 2 weeks of messing around off and on to build my first 70 and about 2 days to do the second. Cool Now I can probably build one in about 5 hours. Laughing I've never bought anything from Dynakit, but apparently Bob and Roy do quite a bit of business with them and they are great guys, so Dynakit MUST be a great place to do business with. Smile Good luck with your project. You won't be sorry...

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    Self Intro Empty Re: Self Intro

    Post by kimla Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:37 pm

    Well my dear little ST70 (little, indeed... my daughter thinks that the "70" is it's weight) Anyway, it's done and has been running for a month or two now... Had one final hicup last week. The vintage "Radio Shack" (made in Great Britain) EL34's I found out in a drawer in the garage faded on me, so now I have 4 Russian Mullards, but they sound great, as far as I'm concerned. My son came down from Seattle and later had nice things to say on his blog: There's a photo there too!
    I have no idea where those Radio Shack EL34's came from... where do I get all this junk?

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