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    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

    Posts : 1839
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by Roy Mottram Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:23 pm

    anyone might be interested in something like this?
    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps ST70woodfront
    $80 in dark red padauk or light natural cherry, or $40 in aluminum

    Posts : 361
    Join date : 2014-06-23

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by Dogstar Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:58 pm

    By chance do you have photos of the actual front panel on an amp? I think I'd be interested.

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    Location : Western MA

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by pedrocols Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:13 am

    What about the M-125?
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

    Posts : 1839
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by Roy Mottram Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:45 am

    I'll have these in about two weeks, so no photos yet. Can be made to fit anything, but so far I've just ordered a couple for the ST120-ST70 chassis.
    Also may have some done for future SP14 preamps.

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    Age : 65
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    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by rsumperl Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:21 pm

    I too would be interested.


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    Location : Ontario, Canada

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by LeGrace Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:54 pm

    pedrocols wrote:What about the M-125?

    I'd be interested as well in an M-125 version.
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

    Posts : 1839
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by Roy Mottram Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:51 pm

    OK, these didn't come out PERFECT, but they look super nice from 12 inches away.  
    I've got two of these I'll let go for $60 each with shipping.
    I'll take orders for M125s but I've got to get the EXACT dimensions to do that.
    This one in the photo is actually 1/16" off center in height, which would look fine with the amp at waist level or lower.
    The other one is perfectly centered.   Also this photo is more color accurate than my first post at the top,
    although you could easily change that with whatever stain you want to use, this is raw Padauk wood, slightly darker and less grainy than Cherry
    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps DynaChassis02
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

    Posts : 1839
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

    Post by Roy Mottram Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:06 pm

    two more photos, I was hoping for some better light today, but's it's totally overcast and no sun.
    So the first photo is almost identical to the one above, the second photo shows the backside of the 2nd piece I have,
    which on half of it I put some MiniWax maple satin stain on just because I had some.   Makes the wood much darker and richer looking.
    For you guys that want one for the M125s, I think I'd just have my wood guy cut the blanks for you, and then you can do what I did,
    which is mark and drill to match your chassis.   Start with a 1/16" drill and work your way up.
    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps DynaChassis03
    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps DynaChassis04

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    custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps Empty Re: custom wood or aluminum front panels for ST120 or ST70 amps

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