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    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?


    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2010-03-20

    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?

    Post by fuseable Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:03 pm

    Which would be a better choice for a set of 16 ohm A-7's? Do the St-70 or the St-120 have 16 ohm speaker taps?
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    Location : Massachusetts

    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty Re: ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?

    Post by Bob Latino Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:26 am

    fuseable wrote:Which would be a better choice for a set of 16 ohm A-7's? Do the St-70 or the St-120 have 16 ohm speaker taps?


    You mentioned above "A-7's" only with no company name but I am assuming that you mean the big Altec Lansing A-7 speaker.

    Both the ST-70 and ST-120 have 16 ohm speaker taps and may be set up for 16 ohm speakers. The Altec Lansing A7 speaker has 100 dB efficiency. The ST-70 would, IMHO, have enough power to drive this very efficient speaker to pretty loud levels in almost any sized room.

    According to the A7 manual the speaker impedance is 8 ohms and not 16 ohms. Maybe an earlier version of this speaker was 16 ohms ? Speaker manual link is below.

    Altec Lansing A-7 user manual


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    Join date : 2010-03-20

    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty Altec A-7

    Post by fuseable Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:45 am

    I had mentioned in the subject line (Voice of the Theaters), but yes they are Altec 1966 vintage A-7's.
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    Location : Massachusetts

    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty Re: ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?

    Post by Bob Latino Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:55 am

    fuseable wrote:I had mentioned in the subject line (Voice of the Theaters), but yes they are Altec 1966 vintage A-7's.

    Ok - I never saw the "Voice of the Theaters" in your subject line. I am sure that the ST-70 would have more than enough power to drive these 16 ohm, 100 dB efficient speakers well ..


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    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty Re: ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?

    Post by Luddite Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:54 am

    The earlier Altec A-7's were indeed of 16 ohms impedance. Later models were 8 ohms and carried model numbers such as A-7-8.

    Best Regards,

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    ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters? Empty Re: ST-70 or ST-120 for A7 Voice of the Theaters?

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