by Peter W. Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:02 am
Well, it's done. As to the PAS 3X:
a) Replaced the filament string caps and diodes, unloaded gives me 25 VDC, loaded about 23 V, both at 120 VAC on the variac. Before I install the system permanently, I will discern the wallplate voltage at work, and adjust if necessary. We are a remarkably steady 118 V at home.
b) Cleaned the controls - all smooth now.
c) Wiped down the exterior and got the "historical skunge" off it. More later.
d) Assembled and tested - all good.
As to the very rough FM3:
a) Rebuild the power-supply by cutting the top off the multi-section cap and using the base and locking tabs, added four new caps through the original phenolic base.
b) Cleaned the controls & switches.
c) Lightly cleaned the exterior.
c) Assembled and tested. Remarkably quiet, and about as sensitive as typical of these beasts. No need for an alignment!
Then - took the ST35 out of mothballs and assembled & tested the lot against an AR Athena speaker system.
Very nice.
Joined by a Sony 5-disc changer, this will become the office system. I will be in the office at least one day next weekend on a major shut-down, and they let me park in the loading dock on weekends.
No pictures as all I did, really, was substitute. I have the upgrade kits for both the FM and the PAS power-supplies, but I am staying OEM as this *will* be in the office, and will also be left unattended regularly with possible access by a staff of about 3,500 employees and 4,000 or so medical and nursing students. Not that I am worried, but one knows how it is with pack-rats and shiny objects. So, no repainted cages, no polishing of faceplates and so forth.
I will be happy not to be streaming on tiny computer speakers anymore.