I own a set of, what I believe are Mk 2s and a third amp which I believe is a Mk 3. I've owned them since sometime around 1972. I bought the MK 2s (along with a set of non Dyna pre-amps - I can't remember the company name) from the guy who built them. I picked up the MK 3 about a year later. He told me that he had built the first one before stereo turntables were available and then the second after stereo turntables were available in order to create a stereo system, which was also when he got the second pre-amp.
I used the Mk 2s and pre-amps as a stereo driving a set of Voice of the Theater style SRO Blow-Out-Proof speakers for quite a few years until the quad cap in one failed and then I put them in storage.
Some time in probably the early 90s, when I was still into HAM radio, I dug them out to rebuild, but life got in the way so they went back in storage, this time in plastic tubs in the basement of a house own but only live in 2 to 3 days a week that I keep for when I am visiting my 95 year old mother. I think there is also a Fisher tube Stereo Receiver in one of the tubs.
I am now, once again, considering rebuilding them, but, to be honest, I have forgotten everything I used to know about circuits capacitors, transistors, etc... so I have spent the last two days trying to re-learn some stuff. I watched a few YouTube videos on rebuilding Mk 3s and think I have a good sense of what needs to be replaced on the bottom, and at minimum the Caps on the top circuit board.
On the bottom I expect to replace:
- the selenium rectifier with a 1N4007 Diode and a 4.7K Ohm 2 Watt Resistor; with a 100mfd/100v Cap - - I also will replace the related Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 0.02 µF, 3 kV
- the on-the-top Quad Caps - I want to leave them for the original visual aspect and replace them underneath with modern Caps
- other Caps and resistors
For the boards on the top, I've seen in YouTube videos that I will have to replace the 3 Caps (of course that is depending on which board my units have and I do remember the boards are different/non-matching); but I am also considering a complete upgrade (to a matching set), and am open to any and all suggestions.
I understand the first place to start would be to dig out my amps and do a complete inspection. I'll write an update to this post as soon as I get back to that house and dig them out.
I am not sure about the condition of the pre-amps so I am also open to suggestions on usable alternatives.
I'll also need some suggestions on what equipment I will need. I have a couple of Fluke multi-meters. I have my old soldering irons but I am not sure what shape they are in and if they are usable for circuit board work. I have a monster power supply that weighs like 70 pounds that I used to use on a bench in the basement of my parent's house. I believe it is currently in the garage of the house where the amps are. I have to check that I didn't throw it out in a previous purge, and that it still works. I also have a couple of scopes in the basement of my parent's house which I still own and rent out the upper floors, but I don't have any memory of how to use them, nor know if I would need to in order to rebuild the amps.
OK, that's probably way more than I needed to relate.
Next post should be in a few days or the middle of next week.