Bob Latino wrote:My question to Mr. C is > "Did you at any time ever use any driver tube OTHER THAN a 12AU7/12BH7/5963/5814/6189 on this board ?" If you did, it is possible that you have taken out the LM334 IC current regulator for that channel. This will cause a dead channel. You can't use 12AT7, 12AX7, 12AV7, 12AY7, 5751 tubes on the VTA driver board. Although these tubes are plug compatible with a 12AU7 type tube, they have other characteristics that are incompatible with the board. I have had a couple of customers plug the wrong driver tube into the board and as a consequence found themselves with a dead channel. Both times we found that the LM334 IC for than channel was now bad. I can't say for sure that this is your problem but it could be ?
Hi Bob. The only tubes I have are the RCA 5963/12AU7s supplied with the kit. Other tubes I've had in the amp are KT-120s, A Weber WS1-T and a Mullard GZ37/CV378.