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    Mark III Output Transformers


    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2020-02-16
    Location : San Francisco

    Mark III Output Transformers Empty Mark III Output Transformers

    Post by OldFrisco Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:50 pm

    The output transformers on the Mark IIIs I picked up are obviously of a different vintage than what's shown in the Dynaco assembly booklet I have. Not only do the transformers have six, instead of four wires on the output side, the colors don't seem to correspond. For that reason, I'm a bit concerned about which lead is which ohm rating. On my units, there is what looks to be a gray wire for the 8 ohms. Then again, I never saw or had the units working. Maybe they were never wired correctly. Does anyone have information of this generation of output transformers? I've been unable to find anything, and I'd prefer not to have to put a Variac to them to figure out what is what.

    Mark III Output Transformers Img_1310

    Mark III Output Transformers Skip_a10

    Mark III Output Transformers Skip_a11

    Mark III Output Transformers Img_1710

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