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2 posters

    Rectifier options ST-120


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2021-02-12

    Rectifier options ST-120 Empty Rectifier options ST-120

    Post by bobgroger Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:45 pm

    I am wondering if the power transformer has enough reserve to supply 3 or 3.75 Amps from the 5V winding. I am looking at higher current rectifier options but they all draw more Filament current. I have Rick's copper cap on order but it is stuck somewhere in the snow and I don't have a TDR yet.
    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

    Posts : 3271
    Join date : 2008-11-26
    Location : Massachusetts

    Rectifier options ST-120 Empty Re: Rectifier options ST-120

    Post by Bob Latino Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:10 am

    bobgroger wrote:I am wondering if the power transformer has enough reserve to supply 3 or 3.75 Amps from the 5V winding. I am looking at higher current rectifier options but they all draw more Filament current. I have Rick's copper cap on order but it is stuck somewhere in the snow and I don't have a TDR yet.

    The 5 volt AC rectifier filament winding on the VTA ST-120 power transformer is rated at 4 amps.


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2021-02-12

    Rectifier options ST-120 Empty Re: Rectifier options ST-120

    Post by bobgroger Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:17 pm

    Bob Latino wrote:
    bobgroger wrote:I am wondering if the power transformer has enough reserve to supply 3 or 3.75 Amps from the 5V winding. I am looking at higher current rectifier options but they all draw more Filament current. I have Rick's copper cap on order but it is stuck somewhere in the snow and I don't have a TDR yet.

    The 5 volt AC rectifier filament winding on the VTA ST-120 power transformer is rated at 4 amps.


    Awesome. 5AU4 looks to have higher current rating.

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    Rectifier options ST-120 Empty Re: Rectifier options ST-120

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