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2 posters

    bias drift between channels


    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2020-11-18

    bias drift between channels Empty bias drift between channels

    Post by rmk Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:09 pm

    Im using matched pairs in each channel of orginal st70. I bias them approx 1.46... im noticing one pair drifts to about 1.44 after playing for about an hour or two. You are going to think I am ocd but are those 20 millivolts trivial?


    Posts : 1870
    Join date : 2012-12-25
    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    bias drift between channels Empty Re: bias drift between channels

    Post by peterh Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:11 pm

    rmk wrote:Im using matched pairs in each channel of orginal st70. I bias them approx 1.46... im noticing one pair drifts to about 1.44 after playing for about an hour or two. You are going to think I am ocd but are those 20 millivolts trivial?

    It seems all right. See what happens after a day or two, try to avoid adjusting and see how it will be after a few days.

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:57 pm