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The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

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    FM-1 Coil home repair.


    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2016-03-14

    FM-1 Coil home repair.  Empty FM-1 Coil home repair.

    Post by bubbasweet Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:31 pm

    Working on my buddie's fM-1 last night saw this. Is it looks like someone just wrapped a piece of wire around the coil. Is this botched or will it work. It measures about .3 Ohms with DC reistance each side to ground. I am waiting for Caps to arrive so I cannot try it yet.

    FM-1 Coil home repair.  Screen11

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    Age : 71
    Location : Wolfforth, Tx

    FM-1 Coil home repair.  Empty Re: FM-1 Coil home repair.

    Post by jwb474 Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:13 am

    It will be OK as long as the wire's insulation isn't broken causing it to short to the other winding. This winding is just a 2-turn C.T. winding that couples the antenna RF signal through the antenna coil to the RF circuity. Across the whole wing is for a 300ohm antenna wire and from 1 end to the C.T. is for a 75ohm antenna. These ohms are not a DC reading which will be 0, but at RF frequencies it will be much higher. Hope this helps.

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    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2016-03-14

    FM-1 Coil home repair.  Empty Re: FM-1 Coil home repair.

    Post by bubbasweet Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:05 pm

    It helps a lot.THX I was not sure what the heck it was. Since I posted this I have seen a few that look like this. Wonder if it was just a Dynaco builder done thing or were the 2 wraps pre done and part of the coil from the factory when you got the kit? Just wondered. But THX for theinfo as I think it will work fine now once the new tubes come in.

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