Hello Fellow DYNA/DYNACO re-builders /collectors .
I have have an OLD st70 that ihave to get going again .
It suffers from the bLown Fuse problem ~I have often read about .
The Filter cHOKE is rather discolored looking/with wax drippings on it. -I suspect it is shorted out .
what Value is that damn choke???
I have only used this amp 3 or four tymes in a 20 year peroid , kept it in storage and had it Modded back in 1997 < had a vERY REPuTable TECH> do a Audio by VAN ALSTYNE -IN put Filter Mod on it . and the tech installed a 40 Mfd Axial 500 V Cap in parallel with one of the Multisection Cap lugs , plus he replaced the Bias Caps , and replaced the Selenium diode witha 1n003/4 ?? solid stater .
So waht should I look for as faras a Shorting Cause??
BTW (TITLE of my Letter) anyone here do any of the AUDIO AMATEUR MAGAZINE Modifications that entailed replacing the GZ r4 Tube with a pair of Silicon Diodes ?? < Iwould use 4 in series on each leg of X~former secondary>. Plus an Increase in Capacitor Value to get rid of those old UInreliable CAN Capacitors.
Reagrds - dyna Blow