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    ? Wire type from tdr to kt88 heater 2 and 7 and ws1 4 and 6


    Posts : 50
    Join date : 2022-05-14
    Location : Nj

    ? Wire type from tdr to kt88 heater 2 and 7 and ws1 4 and 6 Empty ? Wire type from tdr to kt88 heater 2 and 7 and ws1 4 and 6

    Post by Njrob Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:39 am

    Is the wire I have ok for the tdr to go to heater on kt88 (1.6 amp) and 4 and 6 on the ws1?

    Teflon coated silver plated
    hook-up wire, 22 AWG,(19
    x 34) stranded, 600 volt UL
    rated, type E, Mil Spec
    16878/4, Type E. Temp.
    range -60 to +200 degrees

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 9:08 pm