This is what was done with the ST70 from its original state
Tubes4hifi VTA Driver Board installed
Tubes4hifi bias display board kit installed
Power Cap replaced
4 ohm tap being used only
All the tubes test good. The bias sets correctly to .40 per the assembly instructions. Voltage reading at B+ input of the VTA driver board measures 386VDC which is within range of the 380-400vdc in the instructions. I believe my preamp is working properly as I tested it with another amplifier. The preamp I build from scratch which is an Erhard audio Z5 line stage with linear power supply. Unfortunately, I no longer have a spare amp to test it with. Is there a simple way for me to confirm that a signal is coming out of it?
What other areas should I check/measure on the ST70 and for what specific voltages? I read things like "check cathode voltage" check transfomer and choke voltages" but I do not know what a cathode is, I know what the transformer/choke is but how/where do I measure and for what? If someone said check pin "xyz" on output tube "xyz", voltage should be "xyz" VDC I could follow that. If Someone said connect positive side of meter to green/white wire and black probe to ground, reading should be "xyz" voltage I could do that as well. Long and short, I can follow specific instructions but I am not a technician, I can read a schematic to discern what parts are called out, but that would be the extent of it
Here are some photos of the build. Maybe someone can see something glaringly obvious? I rechecked all my wiring and solder joints many times over.