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    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

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    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by Bob Latino Tue May 17, 2011 5:13 am

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Carverandamp

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Carvermonoamps

    Bob Carver's 900 watt monoblock amps on Ebay

    Bob Carver has really outdone himself on this one. 900 watt tube monoblock amps using 20 Tung-Sol KT120 output tubes per monoblock. These amps are outrageous! Photos below and link to his Ebay web site where these are being sold.


    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2010-03-06
    Location : Pittsburgh, PA

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by natoe Tue May 17, 2011 10:24 am

    I'am glad you put this up BOB I havent had a chance to post about these amps.I have been wanting to tell the board here that these will be sold exclusive right here in pittsburgh pa at The owner of the shop and myself have been very good friends for over 25 years and when he told me the news I had to pick my jaw off the floor. Tom the owner of vintage hi-fi pgh also told me he has orders for a few allready and is just waiting for them to come in. Other than ebay this will be the only other place to buy these amps new.I also beleive that BOB has some other new things comming out too, soon as I hear something I will post it.

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2010-03-06
    Location : Pittsburgh, PA

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by natoe Tue May 24, 2011 10:39 am

    Just an update to the tube amps. I was told that the amps will no longer be offered up on e-bay that the will only be for sale at

    thanks pete

    Posts : 221
    Join date : 2009-02-05
    Location : Central New Jersey

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by Sal Tue May 24, 2011 10:50 pm

    Looking at the feedback, it seems the buyer already paid for the amps... did the deal not go through?


    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2010-03-06
    Location : Pittsburgh, PA

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by natoe Thu May 26, 2011 9:27 am

    Sal, I was told that ebay was the test market for the amps. The deal is still in place and the amps are on the home page of


    Posts : 221
    Join date : 2009-02-05
    Location : Central New Jersey

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by Sal Thu May 26, 2011 11:06 am

    Thanks Pete,

    I wonder what speakers these amps will drive at 900 watts RMS.... not to mention the hearing loss...


    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2010-03-06
    Location : Pittsburgh, PA

    Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link Empty Re: Bob Carver's new 900 watt monoblock amps - photos and link

    Post by natoe Thu May 26, 2011 12:55 pm

    Sal, funny you say that because Bob has some other things up his sleeve too.More to come as soon as I hear something.


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