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    help with painting cover

    j beede
    j beede

    Posts : 473
    Join date : 2011-02-07
    Location : California

    help with painting cover Empty help with painting cover

    Post by j beede Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:36 pm

    I enjoy restoring Dynaco tube products and have had pretty good results to date. I decided to paint a chassis cover on a non-Dyna piece as a test case before I do any "real" work on a PAS. The results I got were horrible. I sanded the cover down until it was flat and smooth--just like I have done on Mark III transformers. Gray Rustoleum primer, then dark bronze Rustoleum that was perfect on the patio furniture. The color is great. The texture of the paint is horrid. Streaks, shiny spots, dull spots, etc. Can a decent paint job be done on a chassis cover using a spray can? Can you share what has worked for you? I thought I knew what I was doing as I was very pleased with the results I got on my transformers (which were a different color).

    help with painting cover Powertransformer-1

    Posts : 150
    Join date : 2010-08-30

    help with painting cover Empty Re: help with painting cover

    Post by j4570 Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:32 pm

    Are you using a hammered paint? They can be tricky, but I do like them for patio funiture.

    Did you shake the can really, really well? Some of the paint that have metal suspended in them need to be shaken a lot. You also have to maintain a wet application, or the paint will be dry and matte finish in some areas.

    Got any pictures of what you are talking about?

    It does seem odd that you have this problem only with this color.

    I typically use Krylon, but any good name brand should work well. Some of the best spray paint I have used is the Tractor Paint from Tractor's Supply (I think it's Valspar). It's Enamel in a Can, and takes a long time to dry, but it is a good, durable paint. Not cheap either...only problem is the color selection, you probably don't want John Deere Green or Allis Chamlers Orange.

    j beede
    j beede

    Posts : 473
    Join date : 2011-02-07
    Location : California

    help with painting cover Empty Re: help with painting cover

    Post by j beede Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:41 am

    The paint I am using dries too fast--that is part of the problem. It is impossible to get the whole cover wet with this stuff. It is not a "hammertone" paint, but it is a metallic type paint. I will look for a satin Krylon in dark brown and give that a try.

    Allis Chalmers... Ha! I haven't heard that name in a long while. That color was officially called Flambeau Orange as I recall.

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