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    ST70 Power Supply Upgrade


    Posts : 90
    Join date : 2009-04-17

    ST70 Power Supply Upgrade Empty ST70 Power Supply Upgrade

    Post by Bugs Thu May 21, 2009 12:55 pm

    I've just started using a Tubes 4 Hifi SP8 with a VTA modded ST70. I can't say enough good things about the sound quality of the equipment or Tubes 4 Hifi owner Roy Mottram.

    And being a bit neurotic and compulsive I was wondering if upgrading the stock power transformer would make any distinguishable difference to the sound quality of the unit?

    I suppose the change would open up a different range of tubes for use such as the KT88 and others?

    My current power transformer is quiet and runs cool enough to place my hand on after a couple hours of use.

    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

    Posts : 3271
    Join date : 2008-11-26
    Location : Massachusetts

    ST70 Power Supply Upgrade Empty Re: ST70 Power Supply Upgrade

    Post by Bob Latino Thu May 21, 2009 2:30 pm


    If your ST-70 power transformer doesn't hum, buzz, vibrate or run hot AND it provides the proper voltages then it is probably still OK. You are correct in mentioning about tube choices. You can use EL34, 6L6, KT66 or KT77 output tubes with a stock Dynaco power transformer. With an upgraded power transformer you can also try KT88 or 6550 tubes.

    If all seems good you won't really get any better sound quality with a new power transformer. That said, if you do use this amp on a daily basis understand that your amp's power transformer IS 30 to 50 years and may have thousands of hours of use. Just be alert for any signs of stress that *could* arise in the future.

    To check an ST-70 PA-060 power transformer pull the rectifier tube and leave all the other tubes in there and check some voltages ..

    1. Check ACROSS pins 2 and 8 on the rectifier tube socket and look for about 5 volts AC
    2. Check pin 4 to chassis ground on the rectifier tube socket and look for 355 - 380 volts AC
    3. Check pin 6 to chassis ground on the rectifier tube socket and look for 355 - 380 volts AC
    4. Check ACROSS pins 2 and 7 of V2 where the two GREEN wires attach to the tube socket and look for 6.0 to 6.6 volts AC
    5. Check ACROSS pins 2 and 7 of V7 where the two BROWN wires attach to the tube socket and look for 6.0 to 6.6 volts AC
    6. Check from where the RED/BLACK wire connects to the selenium rectifier (or diode if the selenium rectifier has been replaced by a diode) to chassis ground and look for 48 to 55 volts AC

    If everything checks out your power transformer is OK.


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