by Sprags Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:16 am
I apologize if I'm hijacking this thread but I'd like ask a question regarding my tablet, an iPad 3 plus a wifi Seagate HDD. I really don't to use my Laptop as a FLAC server. I use the laptop for work and I have it paced up and ready to go for work every day. I do have an iPad 3 and a wifi HDD that I wouldn't mind using for storing and listening to FLAC files with. I found a free Flac player online but free means it only pay the first few minutes of the song. I haven't tried storing my Flac files on the wifi HDD yet. But I have to believe if I use one of the Flac players available for a fee I'd be able to. Before I invest in purchasing it though can someone tell me if they have tried something like this as a setup and if so how it performed and sounded.
I thought the Flac files Bob has been giving us the chance to download as sounding great. Even without a DAC.