I had a customer alert me to this bargain autoranging Chinese VC97 3999 B copy of the Fluke 15B meter. Some of you may know that Fluke meters are fairly expensive but are nearly always dead accurate and very durable. The Fluke 15B is an $80 USD or so meter while this Chinese copy is just $28 shipped on Ebay with over 900 units sold. See link below.
Chinese copy of the Fluke 15B on Ebay
This meter also has a built in capacitance meter. Capacitance meters are invaluable when troubleshooting an amp. Everyone who owns a Dynaco type tube amp and wants to troubleshoot their amp should have a capacitance meter ... Youtube video on the Chinese VC97 3999 B below (no talking in the video)
Chinese copy of the Fluke 15B on Ebay
This meter also has a built in capacitance meter. Capacitance meters are invaluable when troubleshooting an amp. Everyone who owns a Dynaco type tube amp and wants to troubleshoot their amp should have a capacitance meter ... Youtube video on the Chinese VC97 3999 B below (no talking in the video)