by gener8r Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:14 pm
Controversial topic.
I recently got a OnePlus One phone with 64 Gigs for $350.00 and I'll take it over a $400.00 all it can do is play back files gadget. I can do everything with the phone the pono can, plus a lot more and do it wirelessly as in streamed to the system via WiFi or Bluetooth. Can the pono even do that? If not, and from the specs I read it cannot and has to be connected to the main system through a wire anyway, there's no advantage/higher resolution/sound quality improvement over what my phone can do via a USB into a stand alone DAC (or into my asynchronous Oppo 105 which has the exact same ESS Sabre 9018 DAC as the pono) and then into the main system.
Lots of places offer Hi Rez files today. Sound Stage Direct and Acoustics Sounds to name a few.
I take the LPs I have and record/digitize tracks into Hi Resolution 24/96 .wav files and use them as my digital source. Scientifically they're not supposed to be better sounding than vinyl, but to these ears a vinyl track, converted and recorded through a decent DAC, always sounds better on playback than any purchased digital track, no matter the resolution. When convenience is called for I just stream from the phone to the system wirelessly either at home or on the road.
To further stir the pot: that really matters is if the one buying it is happy with it. Maybe if I was very young and just starting a music collection this would be a good way to go, but after all the music purchased over the years on various formats: LP, 8-track, reel to reel, cassette, CD/SACD/DVD Audio, I refuse to buy the same tunes over again, or any new ones, on an "improved" format. I've ended up where I started so many years ago: vinyl through tubes into two speakers.