The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

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The Dynaco Tube Audio Forum

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

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    Dynaco Gear??


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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Dynaco Gear??

    Post by denny9167 Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:09 pm

    I thought this forum was about Dynaco Gear, and not about other gear!!!! Hint, Hint!!
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Tube Nube Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:17 pm

    What other gear are you insinuating has infiltrated our hallowed forum?
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Tube Nube Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:39 pm

    Ahhhh I think I know to what you are alluding. Roy anf Bob collaborate on what we all know and love as kits of exceptional value for performance.

    Lately we have seen the advent of such characters as Holger of Montana way, and Don Sachs of Nelsonway, offering their versions of VTA gear-- performance and aesthetically hopped up iterations featuring hardwood bases to replace stock industrial stainless metal versions, as well as certain hopped up componentry where it is expected to deliver uncompromising sonic benefits at worthwhile but not "compromising" cost increments.

    These guys are acknowledged and embraced by our forum chiefs, as I understand it. They even advertise their product versions on the Tubes4hifi website.

    Maybe Im off on tne wrong tangent. If so, my apologies. But it's worth saying there has never been a better time to buy VTA! The standard kits, it seems to me, are a staggering value. And if you have just a bit more reach in your budget, then guys like Don and Holger have taken the guess work out of the pathe to improving on the basic products.

    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:07 am


    Last edited by PeterCapo on Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Tube Nube Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:57 am

    Ohhh Pedro, amigo. You said it.

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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by peterh Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:41 am

    denny9167 wrote:I thought this forum was about Dynaco Gear, and not about other gear!!!! Hint, Hint!!

    In addition to "original dynaco's" amps "as they would be made today" is here. Also
    transformers and parts are discussed, so is which ways there is to replace unobtainum
    parts with modern or available parts. In short, i find it very dynaco-spiritual.
    The only thing missing is a PAS-4 replica :-(
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Tube Nube Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:45 am

    Spiritual, yes.

    As the old camp fire song goes, "it only takes a spark to set a fire going."

    And a fire setting spark is only possible from a tube amp.

    Even if metaphorically speaking!

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    Location : gothenburg, sweden

    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by peterh Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:11 am

    "a fire setting spark is only possible from a tube amp"
    not true. i have seen transistor amp that had open flames and lots of smoke.
    As i remember it stared with a short in a driver transistor and then the circuit board ( phenol) got
    very hot. The amp was junked however as spares costed more then a replacement.
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    Age : 61
    Location : Calgary, AB

    Dynaco Gear?? Empty Re: Dynaco Gear??

    Post by Tube Nube Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:50 am

    Ahhh, I stand corrected!

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