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2 posters

    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly


    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly Empty Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:43 pm

    Before anyone says the obvious, I know I'm not supposed to do this.

    But somehow right before a business trip in November I neglected to fully throw the on/off slide switch all the way and left my amp on. I was out of town for ten days and when I came home for Thanksgiving noticed my amp was still aglow.

    What is amazing to me is that

    a) my house didn't burn down
    b) my wife didn't notice anything (she works at home 50% of the time and her home office is adjacent to my home office) and
    c) after letting the amp cool down for a day I fired her back up and she sounds as sweet ever.

    Three things:

    1. My amp is now fully broken in Very Happy
    2. Along with throwing the power switch, I now always pull the A/C plug from the surge protector when I leave the house overnight
    3. The VTA ST-120 amp is built to last!

    Posts : 425
    Join date : 2014-03-13
    Location : Albany, NY

    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly Empty Re: Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly

    Post by audiobill Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:50 pm

    Jay, is that you??


    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly Empty Re: Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:17 pm

    audiobill wrote:Jay, is that you??


    yes, it is Smile

    Posts : 2244
    Join date : 2012-05-23
    Location : Wallace, Idaho

    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly Empty Re: Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly

    Post by deepee99 Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:36 pm

    Jay, you made wise choices, both in the component and the builder. Bill's the best.
    Before you go yanking the plug in and out, consider one of these:

    I'm using mine on a 200 WPC Bedini sand amp, which lacks a power switch and and has a pretty good surge on start-up, and for a year that little guy has never let me down. And for $18, what's to lose?

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    Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly Empty Re: Built to last--left my VTA ST-120 amp on for 10 days and still runs perfectly

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