I have been on this Forum for awhile now, and have received some very sage advice. Thank-you. Now, I'm asking for more.
I have a small book or long article in mind, featuring Bob at VTA, Roy at Tubes4HiFi, and also some others. Ty Lashbrook comes to mind, as do Don Sachs, Jim McShane, Jeff Jacobs, Dave at Vinyl Nirvana, Andy Bowman, Peterw . etc., etc. Focus is on Dynaco junkies.
I would travel to each shop, stay a half-day, do a photo shoot with my new bride, and quick interview, and be gone.Consider it an audio honeymoon.
Working title is: Absolute Audio on the Cheap. I'll prolly make that sexier but it will have to do for now.
So, ideas? What am I missing here?
No PMs, please. Let's keep this baby open. And prepare to be invaded sometime this summer.