tubehd4life wrote:Will these amps be ready for kit purchase before the new year? PLEASE!
Yes - The production M-125 amp KITS should be ready by Dec 1, 2010 ... I will make a short post on this thread when they are ready ..
Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products
tubehd4life wrote:Will these amps be ready for kit purchase before the new year? PLEASE!
Bob Latino wrote:Hi Charlie,
Yes - I had just temporarily dropped the quad cap in there and taped it on from the other side just to hold it for the photograph. Because you wanted those tabs locked in, however, I "digitally twisted" the tabs and changed the photo above.
Gregg357 wrote:Bob, Your work is impressive. I'm sold on either your ST-120 or these new mono blocks. I am new to tubes. This will be my first amp. I have no experience with building an amp. Am I foolish to make your mono blocks my first forray? Should I purchase a ST-120 assembled and tested, by you, from your lab? I feel the peace of mind of an expert build might be worth it. I'm drunk with the idea of 125W mono blocks, but with my craftsmanship I'm second guessing it. I would surely be excited to own a ST-120 instead. Thank you and sorry to highjack your thread. Gregg
Gregg357 wrote:Bob, Thanks for the quick reply. Are there sound quality or safety (fire) concerns with a poor wiring job? Gregg
Gregg357 wrote:Bob,
Am I correct, that given your two bias pins, that purchasing matched quads or even octets is unnecessary? But that it is advisable to purchase matched pairs of KT88's? Also, what is your opinion on 12bh7 tubes? I've read that matched sets on the board don't make an audible difference. Obviously, if they were matched, there would be the theoretical performance difference, however in practicality it produces little audible betterment. Thank you, Gregg.
River wrote:Hi Bob,
I am new to DIY valve amps - and have just ordered your SL120 kit.
(Talk about a slippery slope,.... I am already planning the upgrade.)
The M-125s look awesome. Is it possible to make the chassis 'handed' ?
anbitet66 wrote:Bob,
I think he meant "Right handed" and "Left handed". As in mirror images of each other.
Hi Phil,dynacophil wrote:how much will the fish be...? I like what I see...