The variac fuse blows when the TDR switches on the "power circuits".
This is likely a cascading failure from the brown-out I mentioned in my previous post
What must I measure to confirm if the power transformer is destroyed?
What else should I be looking for?
Per the test sequence in the "Initial Startup" in the construction manual:
2) Test of the driver board, no rectifier or power tubes, is successful: the 3 x 12AU7 tubes light up, and remain on through the switch-on of the Time Delay Relay (TDR)
3) Test of the power tubes fails on both sides:
Install rectifier
Install 2 x 6550 tubes (LEFT SIDE)
Turn on amplifier
Driver board turns on: 3 x 12AU7 tubes remain lit for 17 seconds
TDR switches on
Variac fuse blows
Fuse on the ST-120 did not blow
Driver board turns off: 3 x 12AU7 tubes turn off
Install rectifier
Install 2 x 6550 tubes (RIGHT SIDE)
Turn on amplifier
Driver board turns on: 3 x 12AU7 tubes remain lit for 17 seconds
TDR switches on
Variac fuse blows
Fuse on the ST-120 did not blow
Driver board turns off: 3 x 12AU7 tubes turn off
First time this happened, the power transformer was hot to the touch, at "usual" temperature; outut transformers were stone cold.
4 x 6550, or 4 x JJ KT88
3 x 12AU7
Brand new quad cap
Solid state rectifiers under test:
WZ68 Copper Cap
Dynaco VTA ST 70 120 Mono Block Tube Amp Rectifier Kit
All four bias resistors intact at 10 ohms
4.7K ohm 3 watt resistor between 20 MFd and 30 Mfs lugs is brown on 20 MFd end, but still measures 4.7k ohm
This is likely a cascading failure from the brown-out I mentioned in my previous post
What must I measure to confirm if the power transformer is destroyed?
What else should I be looking for?
- Saturday 10/14 : replaced the quad cap and had use of my amplifier for 48 hours.
- Monday 10/16 : there was a crackling sound and driver tubes and power tubes were no longer lit up.
- The fuse on the variac had blown.
- Fuse on the ST-120 had not blown.
Per the test sequence in the "Initial Startup" in the construction manual:
2) Test of the driver board, no rectifier or power tubes, is successful: the 3 x 12AU7 tubes light up, and remain on through the switch-on of the Time Delay Relay (TDR)
3) Test of the power tubes fails on both sides:
Install rectifier
Install 2 x 6550 tubes (LEFT SIDE)
Turn on amplifier
Driver board turns on: 3 x 12AU7 tubes remain lit for 17 seconds
TDR switches on
Variac fuse blows
Fuse on the ST-120 did not blow
Driver board turns off: 3 x 12AU7 tubes turn off
Install rectifier
Install 2 x 6550 tubes (RIGHT SIDE)
Turn on amplifier
Driver board turns on: 3 x 12AU7 tubes remain lit for 17 seconds
TDR switches on
Variac fuse blows
Fuse on the ST-120 did not blow
Driver board turns off: 3 x 12AU7 tubes turn off
First time this happened, the power transformer was hot to the touch, at "usual" temperature; outut transformers were stone cold.
4 x 6550, or 4 x JJ KT88
3 x 12AU7
Brand new quad cap
Solid state rectifiers under test:
WZ68 Copper Cap
Dynaco VTA ST 70 120 Mono Block Tube Amp Rectifier Kit
All four bias resistors intact at 10 ohms
4.7K ohm 3 watt resistor between 20 MFd and 30 Mfs lugs is brown on 20 MFd end, but still measures 4.7k ohm