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2 posters

    REPLACED power transformer ST-70

    corey thompson

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2023-11-14

    REPLACED power transformer ST-70 Empty REPLACED power transformer ST-70

    Post by corey thompson Thu Nov 16, 2023 6:32 pm

    So the PA-060 is getting rare.  I do not want to buy a used unit. Ebay 150 shipped 1965. How long will it last ?  my luck a few hours lol
    Does anybody know if there is an after market unit that will work ? I could care less if it fits into the amplifier case i never resell my equipment
    If there are no know replacements. Please share the specks of the transformer. My unit is old heats up hot smokes !  
    I ran my amp at least 5000 hours last year no issues just tube replacements  then finally stinky transformer.
    Yes i did see them new upwards of 300. Not fun spending $300 on an amp i can buy for $400 used.

    Thanks guys ladies .
    Dan W
    Dan W

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2021-12-18
    Location : Owner - Tubes4Hifi

    REPLACED power transformer ST-70 Empty Re: REPLACED power transformer ST-70

    Post by Dan W Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:16 pm

    We have new production replacements available. They are direct fit and will run much cooler than your original unit.

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