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    Interesting video interview with audio legend Bob Carver inside ...

    Bob Latino
    Bob Latino

    Posts : 3271
    Join date : 2008-11-26
    Location : Massachusetts

    Interesting video interview with audio legend Bob Carver inside ... Empty Interesting video interview with audio legend Bob Carver inside ...

    Post by Bob Latino Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:51 pm

    Below is an interesting video interview by Scott Wilkinson of "Home Theater Geeks" with audio legend Bob Carver. The interview took place on August 2, 2010. I met and shook hands with Bob once at a meeting of the Boston Audio Society back in the 1980's. He is an interesting and down to earth speaker. In the interview, Bob chronicles his history and contributions to audio reproduction as we know it today. Near the very end of the interview, Bob gives some interesting insight as to the differences between solid state amplifiers and tube amplifiers.

    If the video does not come up automatically on your computer inside the post here, just got to the link below.

    Interview with Bob Carver


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