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Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all original Dynaco tube audio equipment - Customer support for Tubes4hifi VTA tube amp and preamp kits and all products

Bob Latino
Leigh W
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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275


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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by wgallupe Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:51 pm

    Frank111: You hit the nail on the head. Very well stated!!!
    Peter W.
    Peter W.

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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Peter W. Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:13 pm


    Writing only for myself, I have never let whether parts are/are not available stand in the way of my choice of legacy equipment.
    Dynaco (and its clones) is very well supported in the aftermarket. McIntosh and a few others also make a clear commitment to their legacy owners with parts, support and advice.
    AR is extinct in any meaningful way, yet there are sources for parts, support and advice.
    Revox no longer supports its legacy equipment. But there are a few after-market resources.

    And so on.

    Bottom line - there are a few things that when they break will be worth no more than landfill or scrap. But, that does not stop me from enjoying my hobby.

    And, to be brutally honest, although Mr. Latino is doing a great deal for the betterment of this hobby in general and tube equipment specifically, he has sufficient a following that his legacy will continue whether he is directly at the helm or not. I have had Dynaco equipment at one level or another for over 40 years now, and I 'lived through' the closing of the Blackwood facility, SCC and subsequent, and never in that time was there no source of good parts or accurate advice. With equipment sales then and since at McDonalds Hamburger levels, I really doubt that will change either.

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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Boomzilla Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:02 pm

    I hear what you're all saying & if I offended anyone with my posts, I apologize. It wasn't intended.

    And we can agree to disagree about the long-term viability of big companies vs. small ones.

    We can also agree to disagree on how accessible service is / will be for those without technical skills.

    What's NOT in contention (in any way, shape, or form) is the quality, value, and sound of the TFHF products. They're AWESOME!

    Cheers - Boom
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Tube Nube Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:33 pm

    Preach it, brother Boom!

    Posts : 11
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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Boomzilla Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:28 am

    Stand by for publication of my VTA ST-120 review on the Secrets website:
    Tube Nube
    Tube Nube

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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Tube Nube Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:21 pm

    Oh man, Boom', how long ya gonna make us wait?

    .... .... .... .... (finger drumming on the desk top!)

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    VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275 - Page 2 Empty Re: VTA ST-120 compared to McIntosh MC-275

    Post by Boomzilla Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:01 pm

    I've no control over that. Secrets publishes on their own schedule. I'll post here when it's up, though.

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