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    Schurter IEC noise reduction power connector


    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2009-12-01
    Age : 74
    Location : Wa

    Schurter IEC noise reduction power connector Empty Schurter IEC noise reduction power connector

    Post by Pooch Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:12 pm

    I see the new SP12 preamp kit has a Schurter noise reduction power connector ( at least it appears to be one). Would there be any benefit in adding these to any of the other VTA builds? I'm thinking of using these in my Mk4s. Already have a regular IEC connector installed, so it'd be a quick swap. Bob has said the star grounding and a ground wire on the AC results in noise. That's what I'm getting, too.I disconnected the green ground wire and most of the noise dissapeared. Just wondering if the Schurter was an option.
    Roy Mottram
    Roy Mottram

    Posts : 1838
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    Schurter IEC noise reduction power connector Empty Re: Schurter IEC noise reduction power connector

    Post by Roy Mottram Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:43 pm

    the Schurter is an easy swap-in, but be aware that the case of it is connected to earth ground internally, not sure if they have any that are isolated, but not likely

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