by sKiZo Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:18 pm
Worth repeating, you can get a bit of delay by installing a CL90 thermistor on the AC line.
(I've since moved the blue wire UNDER the thermistor. Heat rises, and they get HOT. I also got fancy with the three tab ... not really necessary, but does keep things tidy.)
That gives you a soft start. Trade off is, they never open up completely, so you DO lose a bit of B+, but that doesn't sound like it'd be an issue with the WS1, and it can be real handy if you're wall supply runs high like many do.
I've used a bucker to drop the line level to around 117vac AND had the thermistor in place and still made it into the recommended B+ range ... granted, the low side, but close enough for a(n ex) government worker ... without the bucker, I dead center.
PS ... why a CL90? Larger surface area and better heat dissipation. A CL80 has a higher current rating, but I've never ever had a problem with the CL90, even with ham gear.