by sKiZo Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:36 pm
It's my enthusiasm that usually gets me into trouble. This started out as a simple kit build. dOH!
You've obviously got the bug too, and a lot more practice than me.
Naked toroid!!
Quality stuff. The efficiency is really quite amazing. And they're much purtier than a standard stack. I've got em in my Sansui QRX-9001 and 8080db and they never really seem to be working all that hard ...
I did notice the power setup in one of your earlier picks, but my amp is gonna be fairly high up and the back will be kinda hard to get to, so I like the idea of a front panel switch. Here's what I got ...
Another advantage of a bigger chassis ... thing takes up a lot of real estate! It's got a blue annular ring LED light - not sure whether I'll use that or not as LEDs can be a bit noisy. And it might detract from the glow of the tubes.
Maybe hide a mini toggle to make the light optional.
< < < DIY METAL BRAKE > > >
As said I'm gonna go with a separate back panel, so the only bend will be the angle for the front panel. That should be around 30 degrees at most. Found this on YouTube ... be just the ticket. Only thing I'd do is roll the edge of the top angle iron for a softer bend, or maybe try it with some scrap using a piece of steel pipe instead. Not much of an investment - zero really - as I have all the parts kicking around the shop anyway. I did order two blanks, so if I screw one up, I can always beat it flat for the chassis bottom and take the other one down the road to a real metal shop.
Switch - shorting or non-shorting. Got a number?